Privacy Policy
Gerald Adams and Associates, PA is committed to protecting customer information while providing personalized service and customized technology.
Any and all information collected through our Internet sites will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, rented, or otherwise disclosed to any third party not actively engaged in providing services to our customers.
Information voluntarily provided through our Website may be used to provide personalized services, conduct business, maintain accounts, and provide promotions or research directly related to business purposes for Gerald Adams and Associates, PA .
At any time, a customer may request, in writing, that Gerald Adams and Associates, PA not use personal information for promotional purposes. Gerald Adams and Associates, PA does collect IP addresses to track user sessions, but we do not attempt to link personal identities or personal information to users who are browsing the site.
We do, however, use cookies to track preferences and to personalize content on the Website. (Users always have the option to deactivate the cookies function through their browser software.) Gerald Adams and Associates, PA claims no responsibility for the privacy and data security policies of any third party to which our sites may be linked.
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact us .
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