Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer
Protect yourself from false accusations.
Unfortunately, men are often treated unfairly when accusations of domestic violence are leveled against them. Many stereotypes and gender biases exist that are systemic. For more information about domestic violence, and how you can protect yourself from false allegations, call the Domestic Violence Defense lawyers at Gerald Adams & Associates, PA or email us today .
Prompted by the Federal Violence Against Women Act, states have enacted stringent family violence laws and set up family violence courts and police procedures to respond to domestic violence.
Family violence tragedies are all too common and police and court intervention help avert further tragedy. However, as these laws and procedures have expanded, so has their misuse.
Our Domestic Violence Defense Practice
Florida family law attorney Gerald Adams is committed to fighting against false or exaggerated domestic violence claims. False charges of abuse are often a prelude to divorce proceedings. There are lawyers who commence a suspiciously high percentage of divorces with restraining orders. If sudden and unexpected accusations of abuse lead you to believe that your spouse may be setting you up for a divorce, it is essential that you contact a men's rights lawyer for divorce planning . Our attorneys at Gerald Adams & Associates, PA can help you develop a plan for moving past a very dangerous situation without jeopardizing your relationship with your children.
Biased Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence Against Men
We understand the obstacles men face when attempting to obtain restraining orders. We provide legal assistance in such cases to make the process more efficient and effective for you. When there are allegations of domestic violence made by men, we work to ensure that the process is fair and that the gender biases inherent in domestic violence laws do not adversely affect you and your future. You can trust that we will be there for you when you need us most.
For your free initial telephone consultation with our domestic violence defense laywers, call the phone number for you area. For your convenience, we offer evening and weekend appointments, and accept all major credit cards.
Request a Free Phone Consultation
If you have any questions for our Domestic Violence Defense Lawyers , contact us today.