Child Support Rights For Fathers
The Law Firm of Gerald Adams & Associates, PA, focuses on representing husbands and fathers in child support matters. Our comprehensive family law practice includes legal advice concerning representation in child support calculations, modifications, and child support enforcement matters. For more information about how we can help you with a child support issue, call or email today.
How Child Support Rights for Fathers is Unfair
The odds are stacked against non-custodial fathers. For example, claims are often made for sole physical custody of the child , not because it is truly in the child's best interests, but because child support will decrease if custody is shared. We fight against this type of hypocrisy every day in our effort to level the playing field in custody disputes.
Florida Child Support Guidelines
The Florida Child Support Guidelines govern the amount of child support paid. Child support in Florida is based on the net income of both parents. The cost of daycare, health insurance and un-reimbursed medical expenses are factored into the Guideline amounts. However, a departure from the Guidelines is possible if there are significant travel costs for visitation, or by agreement between the parties. Modifications of the original support order can be requested when financial circumstances change.
Contempt and Enforcement of Child Support
We help men charged with contempt for failing to pay child support. Such charges are often a result of a significant change in the father's circumstances, caused by serious illness or losing a job. If you have fallen behind in child support because of a changing financial situation, we can help by petitioning the court for modification of support orders.
Our attorneys have extensive experience in representing men who owe past child support. Our goal is to help you negotiate the best possible settlement on arrears. Do not let Child Support, or Child Support arrears, ruin your life. Count on the attorney's at Gerald Adams & Associates PA to help you.
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Have a question about child support rights for fathers ? Contact our law office today.